Dr. Sevillano on vegetable-like filaments found in vaccination vials
February 20, 2022Dr. José Luis Sevillano continued to share his observations about the filament-like structures found in vaccination vials in a new program of La Quinta Columna.
At first glance, they appear to be Morgellons. However, Dr. Sevillano postulates that they're something different and seem to belong more to the plant kingdom than the animal kingdom, although he doesn't know exactly.
What he has noticed is that these structures remain static and that they're composed of two poles: one blunt and the other resembling a root. Moreover, this structure grows as it "feeds" on crystals yet to be identified.
Dr. Sevillano: What's that? What would you say that is?
Ricardo Delgado: It actually looks like a new stem. A new sprout. A bud.
Dr. Sevillano: A sprout of leaves. No more, no less.
Ricardo Delgado: Yeah.
Dr. Sevillano: And do you see how it's flattened and starting to kind of twist or rotate around its axis? Can you see it? It's a little bit more to the left. It's a leaf that's like a stem that flattens out. It goes from being round-cylindrical to kind of flat at some point. And at some points like this, which are the growth buds of any branch... If you notice, that's where it grows. Those are just the two points where it usually grows. Then that appears to be flat.
Ricardo Delgado: Somebody around here is saying those are legs or tentacles.
Dr. Sevillano: I'm not saying they aren't. But in any case, from the way it looks, the color, and judging by how it grows it seems to be more vegetable-like than animal-like. And it doesn't move, do you realize? What did I said before? Have you seen the hydra? There's no stopping it. It's like it dances St. Vitus' dance. Well, this structure is different. This is still and doesn't move. There's no sense of movement.
Ricardo Delgado: It's like a bud, like when a tree sprouts.
Dr. Sevillano: Exactly. Surely, from that sprout, other tentacles are going to emerge. And that's why we see that image at the end, in which you see as a bunch of vegetables that are there, wrapping themselves, curling. A strange thing with several parts, several branches. Because they emerge from somewhere that branch. They emerge from the sprouts, surely. You have to keep a close eye on it. I'm going to keep a close eye on that image because, surely, over time, it'll change.
This is another one. This isn't the same one. I'm saying I'm following different samples of these structures. This is one of them. The other one that looks so neat and full of tentacles and branches is another one I came across yesterday without realizing it. And the first one that I showed you is another one. That's in another part of the sample.
That one is the same as the previous one. See? This part is the root. It's from the previous sample. And I don't know if it's a piece of root or a new shoot that emerges at the end of the same structure.
Ricardo Delgado: Curious.
Dr. Sevillano: It's curious, of course. This is crazy.
Ricardo Delgado: The truth is that I had not thought about the similarity with the vegetable kingdom. But it does, and very much.
Dr. Sevillano: And in the following image, if you show it, you'll see that it also looks like an insect leg or, if you enlarge it, a branch. If you notice, at each inflection point, it has a bud. Each growth node has a bud. The buds that attached... Do you remember that the first day we saw that there were parts that looked like thorns growing? Those are the buds that these things come out of.
Ricardo Delgado: You have to keep watching this, basically.
Dr. Sevillano: Yes, yes. I'll keep watching to see how it grows and how it works. All of this is you know where.
Ricardo Delgado: It's been found in the hydrogel as well. A doctor who looked under a microscope sent me a bunch of pictures. Let's see if I can find them. We'll show them in the next program. There are also these famous filaments we call Morgellons, but who knows what they really are.
Dr. Sevillano: Has anyone seen a Morgellon under the microscope? Because we have seen them with the naked eye when in some images out there. But has anyone seen them under the microscope? What you have seen a moment ago is multi-tentacular and nothing like the Morgellons that we've seen in the videos sent to us. It's a kind of filament that looks like it's alive, but it doesn't have this shape. Neither from the filament sprouts or anything else. This and the Morgellons are different things. This is something else.
At the moment, we have identified for sure: microcircuitry, graphene, and this. We already have those three things identified. And this that appears to be a vegetable. Alive. These aren't molecules that assemble with electromagnetic fields. No, no, no. It's something alive. And we have yet to identify what those sugar cubes are. Let's see if Campra will do me a favor and find one of those and send them a cosmic ray, as he calls them, and identify the material from which this is nourished.
Ricardo Delgado: They think they're DNA crystals. Crystals with genetic material in them. But I don't know why they have that affinity for that structure. Because they indeed agglomerate near...
Dr. Sevillano: It's in the most "frayed" areas. It's frayed where it ends and resembles a tree root. Trees have the trunk in the middle, branches at one pole, and roots at another. It's designed in such a way that it pulls oxygen when there's daylight. And from the bottom, it pulls nutrients. It's designed in two. It's a bipolar structure. And this looks like it's going to do something similar.
On one side, it has a deflected part to which the material is directed or absorbed. We don't quite know what's going on there. And at the same time, interestingly, following the circadian rhythms of light and dark. And on the other hand, the other pole that I have looked for in every one of these "hairs" that I have seen, is a blunt zone. It has no branches arising from that zone. It's blunt. However, on the body, throughout the growth, you're seeing these buds emerging along the stem.
Ricardo Delgado: It's weird. What kind of purpose can there be for putting something vegetable in a...?
Dr. Sevillano: No idea.
Ricardo Delgado: And it's still growing, of course.
Dr. Sevillano: No idea. Thrombi and all those complications can originate from this too. And not only because of the graphene added by electromagnetic fields. This is a ticking time bomb. If it keeps growing in the body, it's a time bomb.
Ricardo Delgado: If it clogs a major artery, you've got a...
Dr. Sevillano: A dead man.
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