Dr. José Luis Sevillano on strange tentacle-like "life form" found in Pfizer vaccine

February 23, 2022

In recent programs, La Quinta Columna has discussed in-depth the discovery of tentacle-like filaments in the Pfizer vaccine.

Dr. Sevillano has been tracking these structures and monitoring their growth pattern and behavior. 

It's striking that these structures show no movement, yet they grow as the hours go by. 

Researchers such as Dr. Pablo Campra and Mik Andersen of Corona2Inspect theorize that these filaments grow thanks to the action of DNA crystals, which possess information that gives these filaments in question the necessary instructions for their expansion by one of their poles.

To know the details in depth, Orwell City brings to English a little more than 18 minutes of explanation given by Dr. Sevillano. 


  1. Morgellon-like structures that "feed" on crystals
  2. Dr. Sevillano on vegetable-like filaments found in vaccination vials

Link: Rumble

Text: Another researcher presents images of Pfizer's vaccine.

Ricrado Delgado:  Here, I understand that we're looking at these pictures of these structures. 

Dr. Sevillano: You're looking at... Those we'll see from now on... That right there is interesting because that material was approaching en masse the branch-like structure or the rosebush-like structure. Let's put it that way. That's approaching. So, in this way, they're "approaching" the branch. As if they were being attracted. Then we'll look at some other images. 

Ricardo Delgado: Down here, you see a piece or a graphene-like object. 

Dr. Sevillano: Yes. You're seeing that too, right?

Ricardo Delgado: But that's the least things to worry about now, right? 

Dr. Sevillano: Yes, exactly. Notice the shape that the cubes are because these ones that look like circuitry melt into the branch eventually. We'll see about that later. Let's continue. 

Ricardo Delgado: Yeah. 

Dr. Sevillano: This is one of the microchips that we're used to seeing now. These are distinguishable because they're not like sugar cubes. These have circuitry. That one makes me think. I don't know, exactly, what it is. In the corners, you can see, probably... You can see marks on the edges. This could be a microchip. 

Ricardo Delgado: As the evaporation and desiccation time of the sample passes, more... 

Dr. Sevillano: Yes, you can see them. If you pay attention, in the center you can see some reliefs that are being "drawn." Yes, it's true. This is a microchip. 

Ricardo Delgado: Is that a cube? 

Dr. Sevillano: It's a cube that... I'm not saying anything, because it could be one of those cubes that I'll tell you about, and then they melt there. Let's continue. Another microchip judging by the shape of it. Identic. Another one just like the previous, with a kind of antenna sticking out there if you notice. Another one. Another. Another. Another ones. Yes, yes. Both of them. Another one. Smaller. Another one. 

Ricardo Delgado: Do you remember the lens you used, José Luis? 

Dr. Sevillano: 40x. 

Ricardo Delgado: Okay. 

Dr. Sevillano:  The magnification was 40x. Another microchip. Another one. Look at this one. 

Ricardo Delgado: It's crazy. Incredible. 

Dr. Sevillano: Another two. Both of them also look like (microchips). And this one particularly caught my attention. 

Ricardo Delgado:  Remember we found one in the scientific literature that looked a lot like this? It had sort of a coil in the center of it. 

Dr. Sevillano: Yes. You can also see the drips of the metallic material that built it. This one too. The same. 

Ricardo Delgado:  Same thing. At any moment, we see the IBM logo down there. 

Dr. Sevillano: I don't even know what that is anymore. I don't know if that is... The following image, I think, corresponds to the bottom part. I couldn't take just one photo because the structure was too big. But you see that it looks like something metallic. It doesn't look like anything else. 

Ricardo Delgado: It's crazy. 

Dr. Sevillano: An ingot. It looks like a microchip too since you see there's something like a printed circuit. 

Ricardo Delgado: The printed circuit is clear. 

Dr. Sevillano: Yes. 

Ricardo Delgado: Here there may be an assembly process in some structures. 

Dr. Sevillano: We don't know very well what that is. Whether it's cubes sticking to a microchip or something. This is one of them. It has a broken edge, apparently. I don't know if it's made of... And this is the one that we saw at the beginning. And let's see if we're starting to see the particular structure. Here it is. This is one of the parts of the rose branch, let's say. 

Ricardo Delgado: The color... José Luis, to find out the true color... Because, of course, as the light from the condenser has a certain incidence... Do you understand what I mean? Because there, you can see a bluish-purple tone, but we don't know if it's the true color it has. Or if it is reddish. I have seen it reddish on some occasions. At other times bluish. 

Dr. Sevillano: I'm trying to hear you, but it sounds terrible. But okay, now I'm going to try to understand the message. Yes, you're talking about the condenser. I try to look for the image in which the edges are sharper, without haloes. That's why, maybe, the color comes out strange. Anyway. 

What I wanted to say is that I found this in the sample at one point. This was moving in the liquid in the sample. And then it caught my attention that something was moving. Like it was alive. Then, I noticed that it moved as I was looking with the microscope, and I came across a structure like this, coming out of the liquid. If you notice, this area sinks into the liquid and comes to the surface. And the liquid was redistributing around the edge of this stick, let's call it, or tentacle. Whatever you want to call it. It looks more like the branch of a vegetable rather than an animal. 

Well, along the length, as it is elongated and folded as if it were in an arc, I was following the path. And I followed it from one end to the other. So this is one of the parts that's immersed in the liquid. We can see more pictures, so you can get an idea of what it looks like. 

Ricardo Delgado: A mushroom, José Luis. 

Dr. Sevillano: Sorry? 

Ricardo Delgado: It's like a mushroom. 

Dr. Sevillano: It's as if it were a filament, but that has this... Look. A kink occurs when it's immersed in the liquid. Here it angles in if you notice. I tried to take the photo of where the filament was kinking, or whatever we call this. That's a picture of a kink, where it's... It's not kind of stretched out, that's a kink. It's doing that flexing like if it had a joint. It's not like a worm, but like if it had a joint. 

Ricardo Delgado: Yes. 

Dr. Sevillano: And if we continue, we'll see more images of this structure dipping into the liquid. This is one of the parts where I noticed this sugar-like material coming up to the branch. This part. And I wondered, why doesn't it do this further back? Because further back, there was no "sugaring" sticking here. And as I went down I realized that, indeed, there's a part of the strand that generates the filament itself. And in the part the filament is generated, the cubes are grouped together. Look what a strange thing this is.

That is, there's one of the poles of the filament that generates the filament istelf. It's one of the poles. And that's why it attracts the cubes. And everything behind it's inert. As the filament is being made, the rest of it doesn't attract the cubes. So, there's a germinal center from which the filament is built. And it's someting invisible. You'll notice that in the following photos... This is another part further away from the previous one. I haven't been able to put them in order because the program didn't allow me to do it, but here we continue descending. I keep going down looking for the pole, the other end that I couldn't find. I keep going down, and I keep coming across images like this one. 

The sugar-like cube is under the filament. It's not inside but under it. It's seen through transparency. And here, as we get closer, you see a kind of a thorn that it generates. That's why I'm talking more about something vegetal. You see it on the left. 

Ricardo Delgado: Yes, here. 

Dr. Sevillano: There's a kind of a pointed protrusion that's created. See that? That's what makes me think it's not a worm. Worms don't do that. They don't have that kind of structure. And if we keep going down... They keep sticking together. You see how the sugar-like cubes are looking for the structure. And you see the shapes they have. They look like sugar cubes. They're sticking to the... Damn it! We have to baptize this thing. I don't know, we could call it "tentacle." There's a cluster of cubes in that one too. And if we keep going down, we find the pole that generates the... That's where we start to get closer. There you can see how the filament is ending... That's the end. It's frayed where it ends. It's frayed. And that's where it grows. And that's where it grows. And you can see how there is a higher concentration of cubes. I have an image that I don't know if I sent to you or not, where you can see that those little sugar-like cubes on the left side aren't stuck to the filament. They are far away. 

And as I was looking —I stayed up all night waiting to see what would happen with this—, at some point, I realized that they had already made contact with the structure. And at others, by the end, they had already melted. You start to fold the sugar-like cubes like an accordion. And they disappear as time goes by. The material folds —they look like an accordion—, disappear as time goes by. And me now when I get home... I haven't been there for hours because I've been working here all day, so I haven't seen it again. When I get home, I'm going to see if it has continued to grow or what has happened with this pole. Surely this has disappeared. I'm sure this strand has disappeared because when I logged off around ten o'clock in the morning, that strand was already about to disappear. It was already covered with other sugar-like cubes of these. 

So, there's a generator pole of the filament. And that pole attracts the material that generates the filament. And we don't know what material it is. If we see more images... The most interesting point of the series is this because everything is generated from there. It's not an artificial assembly by electromagnetic fields. It's the generation of a form that seems alive through a matrix that, those of us who think that life is something else and not only cells can accept. But there, they aren't using molecules, biomolecules, or anything else to generate cells. A tissue that seems to be alive through a kind of absorption of the dilution of a material that's in the solution is being generated. That clashes with everything we know about biology. There are no forms that can grow... Do you follow? 

Life is defined because you're born, you grow, reproduce, and die. There are no living forms that grow without cell division, in the sense that there is something that generates the tissue around the cell. There isn't. And this is generating a structure that looks alive without there being cells that make that. So what kind of life is this? Through an invisible matrix, it's generating structures only by absorption of a material that we don't know what it is. It looks like carbon. But it's generating structures by fusion and not by cell division. 

Ricardo Delgado: As if... 

Dr. Sevillano: Nor by electromagnetic assembly. This isn't being generated by that. 

Ricardo Delgado: Does it assimilate the content of these crystals? 

Dr. Sevillano: It does. It dilutes them as if they were a sugar-like cube. As it comes in contact with the structure, they start to melt and generate the rings that you're seeing there. Because you see a certain structure in rings. Do you notice that there's sort of bamboo canes that leave a sort of...? I don't know if you have ever seen how they make the roots, for example, of the reeds in the cane fields. The roots have that structure as if they were ringed of a certain thickness. And that's how they grow. And that looks like a root. But as you move away from the growth zone, that differentiation between the rings is lost, and you see what's a homogeneous structure. But when it's generated, it's generated as if by rings. All this is impressive. Impressive. 

Ricardo Delgado: Mik Andersen thinks the crystals are DNA. If they had some kind of genetic instruction, it's... 

Dr. Sevillano: I don't know... It isn't... I mean, all this is making us learn a lot of things. It's bringing us back to the concept that life is a subtle energy field that we don't know about that structure matters around them. That's what the cell is. That. What happens is that you just see a cell under the microscope. But there's something that structures all the operations of the cell nucleus and the rest of it. There's something that gives orders to the cell to synthesize that. Something commands it to synthesize, just as something commands the neuron to depolarize. And what we're seeing is that what that "something" is doing is using a material that we don't know, exactly, if it's carbon, carbon squares, or something else. That matrix attracts and absorbs that material to generate X structure, which is this, that tentacle, root, or whatever. 

But this isn't the growth way a living structure has, as we know. I insist, what looks or is alive moves with cellular structures. Whatever the living agent is. The rest is crystallization. A crystal grows because of the conditions that matter has at the level of molecular electromagnetic fields. So crystals grow by that capacity that molecules have. By appetence, by bonds, etc. But what we see has nothing to do with what we are talking about. That has nothing to do either with electromagnetic fields or with biology that we know. Let's continue. Let's see what... 

Ricardo Delgado: Yes. 

Dr. Sevillano: That's to make you realize that I was looking for all the filaments. Because the cubes are getting closer to the pole. If you notice, these four little cubes that are approaching are poorly focused because otherwise, I couldn't see the growth pole well. And to the right, looking to the right, I noticed that there was a whole mass of crystallites that were approaching this pole. That's the opposite end of the tentacle. This is the other end. Looking for the tips, I found that this is one of them. The one that doesn't grow. Let's say the origin of everything is there. The whole structure has grown from that point. 

Ricardo Delgado: From here. 

Dr. Sevillano: From that point you see. And that's a part of the different parts that I was looking for to see what this tentacle, branch, root, or whatever looked like. And I was going through the whole structure and taking pictures of the most interesting things. This deflecting isn't typical of, let's say, parasitic forms of worms. It doesn't look like it, but I could be wrong. I'm not an expert looking under a microscope either. There, for example. It's the same case with that knot.

Ricardo Delgado: Yes. 

Dr. Sevillano: Let's see if we look down there. There's another one where you can see it very clearly. A little bit lower. Lower. What you see here in the background is the liquid and the tentacle coming out of it. Do you notice the difference in where it makes the division? It dives into the liquid there. And here, it comes to the surface. And I took a picture of that because that looks like the growth buds of a cutting from a rose bush or a... That's why it caught my attention. That looked like a plant thing to me, not an animal thing. 

Ricardo Delgado: We can see it here. 

Dr. Sevillano: You can see it here too. You see them there too. There they look like thorns. You see? It looks like it's shaped like the thorns of a rose bush. This is so you could see what it looks like. It's like a stem. There you have it too. Another kind of cutting is from a rose bush or a plant. See? There's a thing there that doesn't look like it's from an intestinal parasite or some other kind of worm or something vermiform. 

Ricardo Delgado: Somebody asks, could it be a mite that has fallen out of the skin? No. 

Dr. Sevillano: No, because how else does that tip grow? If I hadn't seen how the tip grew, I'd have told you that it was an accident and that I had dropped a hair or something or a bug. But I have seen how the tip grows through the sugar-like cubes. And that's why I wondered what this is. 

Ricardo Delgado: In fact, let's look at another sample that I have here on the slide so you can see that these things are in all the samples. We have found them in all of them. 

Dr. Sevillano: Here are also these two... As if they were thorns or... 

That's to say that what we've seen today is a thing that could be a plant, but we don't even know what kingdom it belongs to. And it grows without the need for cellular elements or electromagnetic fields because it grows at a single point... How's that possible? That is, there's something in that structure that generates the structure itself. And it's something invisible. And it doesn't use molecules, as any living being can use to generate cells and cells that replicate and give rise to the structure. No. The material that's dissolved in that is assimilated thanks to that generator nucleus that's in that frayed point.

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