Electromagnetic Nano-networks in the TeraHertz band

January 05, 2022

Following the line of research linking the 26 GHz band of the 5G spectrum to the multiplying capacity that graphene has, La Quinta Columna has found new scientific articles that add the factor of microtechnology and nanotechnology being inoculated. 

In the following excerpt that Orwell City brings today, biostatistician Ricardo Delgado and Dr. Sevillano comment on the topic.

Link: Rumble

Ricardo Delgado: It's this one that says: "Fundamentals of electromagnetic nanonetworks in the terahertz band." Notice how the terahertz band is mentioned again. Why terahertz? 

Remember those articles we saw where graphene absorbs radiation and multiplies it by three wavelengths. That's to say, up to 1000 times more. Increasing to that Terahertz band, precisely. 

Remember the transistor field effect of graphene. That is, specifically, at 26 GHz —which is the bandwidth that will be operating soon—, they make graphene's field-effect transistors or frequency multiplier effect optimal. 

Here, it says: "Nanotechnology is providing a new set of tools to the engineering community to design nanoscale components with unprecedented functionalities. The integration of several nano-components into a single entity will enable the development of advanced nanomachines. Nanonetworks, i.e., networks of nanomachines, will enable a plethora of applications in the biomedical, environmental, industrial, and military fields. To date, it is still not clear how nanomachines will communicate." 

Let's see when this article was written. In 2013, of course. 

"Therefore, a new wireless technology is needed to enable this paradigm." 

Like Bluetooth wireless technology, for example. As an example. 

Well, here it says, "These include a novel modulation based on the transmission of femtosecond-long pulses, new low-weight codes for channel error prevention in nanonetworks, a novel symbol detection scheme at the nano–receiver..." 

Everything (is "nano"). 

"Piezoelectric nano-generators, and a new Medium Access Control protocol tailored to the Terahertz Band." 

For example, the MAC address protocol. It's a very interesting article. I'll leave it on Telegram. 

Dr. Sevillano: All this makes you think that these people need all this technology to elaborate the signals. Because, as we said before, raw graphene amplifies the energy, and that's it. Nothing else. 

That is, both the one it receives from your biology and the one it can receive from the antennas. It's just amplifying, that's all. But when you put all these kinds of microcircuits and nanocircuits, you make them generate information. 

And I wonder, what do they want to know from us? Or what do they want to induce in us with that? What do they want to get from us? 

Ricardo Delgado: Right, because on the one hand... On the one hand, they get the information from the mapping of human beings. And on the other, there's also an emission of signals. 

Dr. Sevillano: Exactly.

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