Vaccination vial analysis carried out in Chile

December 17, 2021

Orwell City has made an unofficial translation of the brief version of the report of the analysis of the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Sinovac vaccination vials carried out in Chile, thanks to the efforts of the Radio El Mirado del Gallo team.

In addition, the conclusions of this analysis —the second in the world, after the one carried out by Dr. Pablo Campra in Spain— have also been translated and subtitled.

IMPORTANT: This is an unofficial translation that Orwell City made of the summary for the general public of the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Sinovac vaccination vials analyses carried out in Chile. For more details and/or to request further information for scientific/research purposes, please refer to Radio El Mirador del Gallo and/or La Quinta Columna.

Link: Rumble

Ricardo Delgado: It must be pointed out that the person who carried out the analysis was asked to look for graphene. However, that person didn't know that the samples were vaccination vials, as far as I'm aware. Let's say, then, that this isn't a double-blind report, but it's a blind as such, from the investigator's point of view. 

Source: DocDroid (English) | Radio El Mirador del Gallo and  La Quinta Columna (Spanish)

The images of the samples obtained by Confocal Laser Microscopy (Figure 1) —the one you previously saw— were analyzed directly, finding microstructures that present autofluorescence with greater intensity at 530 nm, characteristic of the presence of organic matter. That's on the one hand. However, that 500-nanometer wavelength is also characteristic of other materials. 

Standardization was performed for direct sample visualization to SEM in an aluminum sample holder. A random sample was observed, and it was noted that it was highly concentrated and reacted easily to the electron beam, altering the morphology. Dilution 1:50 was assayed, mounted for STEM on a copper grid coated with carbon polymer. Sample A1 and A2 —AstraZeneca— show oily inclusions probably attributed to the extraction process and may correspond to trapped volatiles. 

 Dilution 1:50 was tested, samples were mounted for SEM on Cu stub (A3), and structures like sheets... This is very characteristic. Structure like sheets easily detachable... That's to say, nanosheets They're usually called graphene microsheets or graphene nanosheets, in this case. When magnified, amorphous structures forming meshes were observed. Sowing as amorphus structures, its a particular feature that graphene has. 

We proceeded to compare the images obtained both in SEM-Cu and STEM. (Sample S1 diluted 1:50 for SEM-Cu) shows amorphous structures forming meshes. There are still salts in the sample. STEM visualization shows amorphous agglomerates of nanostructures (Figure 4B). An elemental distribution mapping was performed on SEM-Cu mounted samples, diluted 1:50, found that the amorphous structures present correspond to carbon and oxygen. These oxygen and carbon clusters are also characteristic of graphene. In some samples, there's presence of chlorine and sodium due to the presence of salts from the extraction processes. 

This is normal. Well, I'll continue. This is, let's say, a kind of abstract type of analysis, isn't it? 

Pablo Salinas: Yes. 

Ricardo Delgado: What I'd highlight here, apart from the description itself in the conclusion, is that it talks about amorphous structures, referring to those characteristic shapes of graphene, in this case. Without knowing or conclusively saying that it's graphene. As this person describes them. First, they shouldn't be in the sample. And secondly, they have a graphene-like appearance. 

The investigation also mentions that they're formed as sheets and that there are amorphous agglomerated structures. And when we see them under the electron microscope, they have that carbonaceous appearance that Dr. Campra himself mentioned. 

Jorge Osorio: Exactly. 

Ricardo Delgado: If you combine this with the essential characteristic, which is that practically the majority of those inoculated with AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Sinovac express biomagnetism, then it's more than evident that graphene is present. Based on what we already know from Dr. Campra's final and preliminary technical reports, and as a complement using this same report from Chile, we already know that there's also graphene in Sinovac vaccine. And in all of them. In AstraZeneca, in Pfizer, and all of them. 

In other words, it's a common matrix that they are using in all injectables. The purpose of this, as you know, is to introduce nanotechnology that self-assembles by external electromagnetic field mechanisms. With certain frequencies that form more complex nanostructures. Once the graphene sheets that you're looking at are exfoliated, the so-called graphene quantum dots, the GQDs, are generated. And as a consequence of the graphene quantum dots, more complex structures such as nano-routers and nano-antennas, for example, are created. This is the reason why most inoculated people are emitting a MAC address, which is registered in Bluetooth wireless technology.

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