Biophysicist Guillermo Iturriaga on non-ferrous metals and nanotechnology found in vaccination vials

September 16, 2021

Guillermo Iturriga, Molecular Biophysicist and Electrical Engineer shared some details about his research on the electronic components and non-ferrous metals that are part of the composition of AstraZeneca's vaccination vials in an interview for Chile Digno

During the interview, he also referred to the case of the Chilean teacher who made it fashionable to stick cellphones in the magnetic arm. The biophysicist explains that the phenomenon is due to graphene oxide, which causes inoculates to express magnetism depending on their intrinsic physical condition (electrohypersensitivity) and body temperature, as also previously explained by Dr. José Luis Sevillano.

Below, Orwell City brings to English the explanations given by the CEO of Laser Beam Technology Chile.

Link: Rumble

Cristián Muñoz: Which vaccine have you taken? 

Woman: Sinovac. 

Cristián Muñoz: Sinovac. 

Woman: Chinovac. 

Cristián Muñoz: Chinovac. 

Guillermo Iturriaga: Bingo! Yeah. 

Cristián Muñoz: What's the meaning of this, Guillermo? What...? 

Guillermo Iturriaga: Hand me the mic. OK. It's for you to hear this. Can you hear? 

Cristián Muñoz: You can see that the bars are absolutely saturated on the meter display. What does that mean, Guillermo? I'm recording this, and it's going to be on social networks.

Guillermo Iturriaga: The meter is reporting the detection of a non-ferrous substance in this area. Here. 

Cristián Muñoz: What is a non-ferrous substance? We'll explain to you, guys, what Guillermo's equipment does. You say directly, well, the same as us. The vials come with nanotechnology that behaves like a nanoconductor or an electrical conductor. That's what we believe, as Chile Digno. 

What have you researched, Guillermo? You're a professional in this area. You're an electrical engineer. You work with this technology, too. You're a molecular biophysicist. Because people always tell us: 'Hey, you do your thing.' I'm a graphic designer, Guillermo. People are always questioning titles. But you work in this area. Tell me what they come in these vials and what you found in this person in the commune of Maipú, whom you measured.

Guillermo Iturriaga: Well, basically, it's a general measurement that I commonly do to many people who have come with me. 

What this type of instrument does is detect ferrous and non-ferrous materials, OK? And electric fields. I have two. I imported two devices because I didn't want to buy them here in Chile. After all, the ones sold here don't fulfill the same functions as those sold in the first world market. 

I want to criticize the Bosch brand, which doesn't sell the same things as in the United States, Europe, or Japan, to mention some. 

But basically, what does it measure, or what it detects, in this case, is an electrically conductive material. It's acting the same as with those devices that military sappers use when they are searching in mines. I don't know if you have seen that little gadget that, in the bottom part, is like a kind of stick. It's one of those used in mines. Or like when a person searches the beach for necklaces, watches, or whatever. It's the same effect. 

So, we have two coils that are acting as a kind of overlapping rings. And by detecting the permittivity of the material. The electrical permittivity, the electrical conduction, causes a current and an electric field, and there's conduction. So one resonates with the other through that formed field or through the invisible bridge with the material. And graphene, as such, is highly conductive —it's a better electrical conductor than copper— that phenomenon occurs. So we can detect it. Now, we can't leave aside that also the current vaccines may have —in fact, they have— aluminum nanoparticles, which also cause that same effect. OK? But, in this case, it's graphene

I have in my possession here —which was sent to me anonymously—, an AstraZeneca vial. ChAdOx... ChAdOx1... I don't know if you can see it.

Cristián Muñoz: I will go off-screen, Guillermo. Don't think I'm gone. I'm trying to enlarge the screen a little so that it can be seen.

Guillermo Iturriaga: This was sent to me by a doctor. And this little thing, this vial, among all the things that you can conclude and measure with another instrument, is that, when you shake it, it generates an electric field. 

You'll say to me: 'But how can that thing generate an electric field if it's a vaccine?' Of course, but the content makes the difference. 

What I'm telling you is brutal. I have told few people about it, but I decided to talk about it today. 

When you shake this, it generates an electric field (EF). I have several instruments that detect EFs. Like the one I took with me when we were in Ñuñoa Square, the same one Chris used to measure in the area. I showed him this phenomenon here. He's a witness that this can happen. And, in fact, it does happen. 

I can replicate what I did X times. A lot of times, OK? Obviously, this vaccine is expired because its proteins have already acquired a darker, browner color. And it's no longer for the purposes for which it was made, obviously. But, basically, the same thing happens. I shake it vigorously, and it generates an electric field. From what? As a consequence of what? 

Another thing that I have detected is that inside... With a simple and common tester, which can be a Fluke tester —like the one I have here—; or with an industrial line multimeter with a specific seal for microelectronics —which I also have—, I have detected diodes and transistors inside this. OK? 

Cristián Muñoz: Neo transistors? 

Guillermo Iturriaga: The water... Listen to me. Listen. The diode is a semiconductor. Obviously, there's an alloy, there's a kind of... How do I explain? Mixing! Because you're not only using reduced graphene, you're using it with other combinations that the industry will never tell us what it is. Because it's detected for some reason. And for some reason, it reacts with some hypersensitive people, such as teacher Claudia, who was treated by Dr. Neira. People who're hypersensitive to radiofrequency react to 5G, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. And things happen to their bodies.

Cristián Muñoz: I wanted to take you to that topic because it is all related to the new 5G technology.

Guillermo Iturriaga: Exactly. So, we're in the presence of what? Are we being tagged? Are we being chipped? Nanochipped, in this case. For what? For what purpose other than to make us sick? Because this crap represents poison


To the same teacher, Claudia Pacheco —I mention her because she is one of the biggest victims of all this—, if I apply heat to her, magically, the magnetization appears. Cell phones and a lot of things stick to her. But that happens when heat is applied. Temperature. If that area cools down, the magnetic effect disappears. 

So, the subject of the masks it's also associated with this. It has also been demonstrated that, when exposed to hot water, to vapor, a magnet sticks to them. If it cools down, the magnet falls off, etc.

If you want to contact Guillermo Ituarriaga for further details about his research or photos, please, read this post:


Hello free people.
Our first report on the AtraZeneca vials is ready.
We find electronics, semiconductors, electric fields and many more "surprises."
Request it here:
—The Director.

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